Friday, December 28, 2007

What's next.....

Well, Christmas has come and gone and so has my company, my Mom. I have been pouting all day, ever since she boarded that mean plane that took her away.So it is time for me to get ready for what is next and that is Baja, Mexico. Ok--let me say that again with a little more excitement, BAJA MEXICO!!!
We have been packing and planning every moment of the day, and trying to take down Christmas decorations, and take care of the baby, and go to urgent care so I can hopefully get better and .... and .... and. The list goes on and on.
We are taking off tomorrow, so I thought that I should post my New Years Resolutions before I go. Maybe that way I will actually feel required to accomplish them!
  1. Actually loose some weight in 2008. I said that I was going to loose the weight right after Kai was born. As of today he is 14 months old and I am still bigger than i would like to be. We are headed to Hawaii in Feburary, so I am going to try to push myself to push of the pounds.
  2. Live in the Moments more-- not thinking of to-do lists, or people I need to call. I want to live in the moment! Drink it in, be staurated by it and then when it is time to get to my To-Do list, I will put my whole self into it getting done.
  3. Less stress. Same life but I want to learn a way to handle the stress differently. For example, when I lay down at night it takes me at least 10 minutes to un-tense myself. I walk around all day all coiled up--but I realize that it is not going to get done, I am not going to meet everyone's expectations all the time and in 10 years the stress of the day is probably going to be forgotten.
  4. I want to dress more like a woman and less like a Mommy. Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be a Mommy, I just don't ALWAYS want to look like one. Plus if I loose some weight it is a gr8 excuse to buy new fun clothes.
  5. Talk less -- more action! That one should speak for itself!
I think that is enough for me to work on for now, maybe I will add more to the list when we get to the half way point in June. Alright, I have put it out there, I am hoping that people will encourage me to get it done and maybe even do some of it with me. Everything is more fun when you get to do it with someone else....even laundry! :)
Here is a picture of what the scene was like at my house on Christmas day. Kai was so cute opening presents, he was a trip. I can't imagine what we are in for next year.
!!!Happy New Year!!!

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Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
