Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Down and Out

We have been sleeping on floors, doing LOTS of laundry and trying to get the little dude to drink Pedialyte. It has been a rough couple of days at our house. We thought that we had rounded the corner and were back on our way to health, but we have had a set back and Kai is not feeling good. :( It is so sad when he is sick and doesn't understand what is going on and why. Hopefully we will be back in the land of the healthy, but till then we are on house arrest. Boo hiss.I got this picture last Thursday night. After throwing up every hour on the hour, all Kai wanted was his Daddy. And he wasn't going to sleep away from him, so Trav and I pulled up pillows and slept on the floor. I couldn't resist taking this picture. It is true unconditional love :) I love my husband and he is a SUPER SWEET DADDY!

1 comment:

boo and stacy said...

WE SOOOOOOO know how y'all feel! Good job for making it through!! What great parents to sleep in the room with Kai! Ohh bless his little heart laying their next to the crib with daddy!

Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
