Saturday, January 19, 2008


I made some resolutions this year and some promises to myself to actually keep them. I am happy to report that they are being ACCOMPLISHED!! {Yipppeeeeee} Maybe that will help me to stay on it and keep working on them. That and God has hooked me up with some awesome friends who inspire me to keep working on my look, my weight, and my heart!

My first reolution was to loose weight--well I have lost 4 pounds!! {Woo Hoo} That is WAY COOL!! And I will be hitting the gym again on Monday and trying to work off a few more. As I write this my husband is making a pizza, oh what I would do to have a metabolism of a man.

Also, one of my resolutions was to not look like a frumpy Mommy. Well God sent me an angel and her name is Anna A.K.A Fashion Extrordinare!! She rocks! Over the past week she has helped me cut 11 1/2 inches off my hair and get some New, Fun clothes that are going to be fun to wear.

I would show a picture or the transformation, but I am not going to post a picture until the transformation is complete :)

Till Then, here are a few pictures of our New Climbing Wall in our Garage!! Trav made it and it is WAY cool!! I think we might go climb around on it tonight once the kiddo is in bed. My husband amazes me with the projects he comes up with :)


We had some friends over to play... Jaime and Cole and they both took a try at the wall.



And then we headed over to the park to play some soccer and hit up the playground equipment.



1 comment:

Stina said...

You guys are too cool!

I shared an award with you over at my blog!!!

Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
