Tuesday, November 6, 2007

He was a Moo Cow

Halloween has come and gone, and I am kinda in shock that we are in November. Where does the time go? Next thing you know it will be Christmas!

So the story behind is costume selection. I had no intention of him being a cow, but when I went to pick out his costume he went crazy for the cow. I told him he could be a cow for Halloween if he could tell me what it said, and he answered back mooooo with the funniest look on his face. That is how my child "talked me into" being a cow for Halloween.

So I have been busy trying to get ready for Christmas early, so that I can avoid the stress. But somehow I have just become stressed about doing it now. I have to laugh at myself, because I never thought that I would become this woman. But I am who I am, so I have to run so I can try to get more Christmas stuff done. Hahaha

1 comment:

Stina said...

I think it's great that he "talked you into it." I stress more than I should over Halloween because the decision is all me what the girls are going to be. This year I finally went for practical, meaning warmth, since we would be in Colorado. I'm actually looking forward to when they tell me what they want to be. Of course ask me in a few years and I'll be eating my words. Too cute!

Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
