Sunday, October 28, 2007

He's 1!

It has been a whole year!! What an amazing year it has been.

Here is what Kai is up too at the ripe old age of 1!

  1. He knows that a kitty says meow

  2. He loves to play ball. He thinks it is the greatest thing ever.

  3. He still likes to be spoon fed. If we try to get him to feed himself, it ends up all over the carpet.

  4. He just took his first 2 steps 3 days ago. So only time will tell how long it will be till he is upwardly mobile.

  5. He has an obsession with cellphones. It blows our minds that he is coming into such a technology driven culture.

  6. Whenever he goes to the park with his Dad, he always comes home with ripped pants.

  7. Changing his diaper is not like pig wrestling!

  8. He is a trip! He has such a fun little personality. He loves to play and explore his world and we love him more than we could have ever imagined.


Team Rillos said...

So cute! Happy Birthday!!
So, ready for baby number two yet?

Nicole Svendsen said...

Love the pictures!!! I cannot believe a whole year has gone by. I can't wait for siena to start talking:)

Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
