Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Did You Know?

  • 1.1 billion people (18% of the world's population) lack access to safe drinking water
  • In a world of unprecedented wealth, almost 2 million children die each year due to a lack of clean water and inadequate sanitation
  • Access to clean water and sanitation can reduce the risk of a child dying by as much as 50%.

Wow, I can honestly say that I didn't know that. I know that their are a lot of people that don't have access to clean water but I didn't know how vast the problem is. It is pretty embarassing admitting how ignorant I am on critical world issues. But I can tell you how Britney Spears did at the VMA's. Man--I want to do something different. I want to be different. Talk is cheap-I know, so I am going to try to be more about action.

A friend of mine sent me a link to a website that has really made me think today. Think about how little I am doing to contribute and how many issues that are out there that need people of action. The website is and it is SO cool! You should check it out for yourself, because if I try to explain it, I am sure to mess it up somehow.

So, what made me laugh about this website is I got the link from my friend. He is involved in a contest that if he can get 100 people to join his community on Razoo by Sept. 15th--then they will be entered into a drawing for $10K that will go to the issue that he supports. So I rushed over to help him out, joined his group and once I was done, I went to check out the rest of the site. When I looked at my profile I saw that it tracks your action, goals, issues etc. and it totally convicted me. Haha I love it!

So, Trav and I have talked and we are going to be more active. In our community and our world. Even the smallest effort is better than no effort.
The picture below is a link to a website called Play Pumps. They are doing something AWESOME and I hope and pray for their sucess and that I can help in some way. Thanks for reading this far :) I really appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

Hey there,

Thanks for your post. I'm so glad that you were inspired by Razoo. It is really rewarding for us to hear from people like you -- lets us know that we're doing something right!

Thanks for joining the site, for supporting your friend's group efforts, and for spreading the word about Play Pumps.

Check out our Good Happens blog:

Team Rillos said...

Great info Kat. I love your blog and your little guy is precious. How old is he now? When are you coming to Colorado to visit?
We have a room for you : )

Nicole Svendsen said...

love the idea of the playpump--if you need help organizing some fund raising I am willing to help:) Let me know!

boo and stacy said...

LOVE the idea!!! Ill will help too!

Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
