Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Magic Kingdom

We did it! We went to Disneyland!!
Tomorrow is September 28th (my "celebrate my life day") and so we headed to Disneyland as a family. Travis surprised us by being able to go and it was great to have him there. Trav had never gone to Disneyland, so he had a good time checking it out and getting acquainted with the Magical Kingdom.
I am surprised that as active as Kai is, he didn't really enjoy the rides. He might still be to little, but it was cute what he did enjoy...his Daddy! This child LOVES his Daddy! It was Fun and I am wore out and I need to get some sleep :) to get ready for the 28th. God has given me a lot to celebrate!


Nicole Svendsen said...

how fun! I cannot wait until Siena is old enough to enjoy it:)

Stina said...


Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
