Monday, August 27, 2007


I was tagged by my friend Stacy to list 8 random things that people don't know about me. I am pretty much an open book so I will be surprised if people don't know all of these......Hmmmm 8 things that people don't know about me.

1. I have a thing about paper. There is something about an empty journal or a fresh piece of loose leaf. It makes me feel hopeful. I guess that is why I have so many journals with only a few pages completed.

2. I'm addicted to chocolate.

3. I still like to do the steam roller. I still think it is the funniest thing. Poor Travis, I like to do it to him right before he falls asleep.

4. I am a bad sleeper. Not only do I steal the covers, but I also have a hard time falling to sleep. So ask my husband about the (recent) time that he drugged me.

5. I am addicted to cheese. I am a cheese head. I think in terms of what times of day I can eat cheese. Some days I can't wait til Trav gets home because it gives me an excuse to eat more cheese because he is a cheese head too.

6. I like to buy expensive make-up. I am high maintenance to some degree, but I never take the time to do anything about it. I guess that is what separates the kinda high maintenance from the real deal.

7. I bought a new camera lense today and I want to sleep with it but Travis won't let me. He's just jealuos. It is the 18-200 VR for anyone who cares

8. When I am sad I like Trav to pet my nose, for some reason it makes all right in the world again.

***I am pretty new to blogging, so I don't have a full 8 people to tag. So these indiviuals consider yourself tagged (the newly engaged) Amy Fairholm, Aaron Willcox, Wittnie, Minks, Binky Bear (Bailey), and B-rad Corrigan. That was as close to 8 as I could get :)

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Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
