Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ok, I have become one of those Mom's who can go on and on and on and on about her kid. So in an effort to restrain myself from "sharing" every story and gushing about how AWESOME, AMAZING and ADORABLE I think that he is, I am going to share some funny videos from this week and let them speak for themselves. Kai has had us overwhelmed with laughter lately, his personality is really starting to come out and he is a TRIP! He gets this *literal* twinkle in his eye and I think that when it happens that the world should stop and notice, well, maybe just me because I am the one who has to chase him and clean up after him. ;)

Listen and watch for him to throw his "shaka" sign, it is only approriate, he IS pillow surfing.

Travis loves to play the drum as much as Kai.

I have a few more videos but I am having a hard time loading them, so they will have to wait for another day. I have to go think happy thoughts after watching Rendition with Reese Witherspoon... it was disturbing. The movie wasn't that great but the documentary in the special features section made renting it worth its while. My heart breaks when I hear of injustices like that. I am so gr8phul for my freedom and I believe that God knows every persons struggles and cries of their heart, I pray he be with all the broken hearted people affected by injustices.

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Redondo Beach, CA, United States
It is me and my two boys. My husband and my son, both are pretty cute in my opinion.
